Author: Marsha Lenski
ISBN #: 978-0-9838548-1-4
Review Date: November 21, 2011
Reviewed By: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
From Author and inspirational speaker, Marsha Lenski, comes an exhilarating and powerful new book release, WWDKG, Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God. Come and discover who you are in Christ by coming to the One who can satisfy. This devotional is an empowering study of God's Word for the feminine heart, and so much more! Author Marsha Lenski offers a divine invitation through her book that is extended to women all over the world.
WWDKG is a call to all women to stand up and be counted to inherit their birthright as daughters of the Most High. Author, Marsha Lenski emphatically states, "There's a place in every woman's life where she deserves a standing ovation." By passionately taking hold of God's promises through the scriptures, the Author encourages readers to look forward to their future by looking towards their Father in Heaven, who only wants the best for them. As the Author states, we are "Daddy's Girls" and accordingly, "We are entitled to only the best." This devotional is for any woman or group searching to know God more intimately and to find true purpose in life as a daughter of the King.
As a woman in the Kingdom of God, you have an invitation to come and "touch the hem of Jesus' garment" and walk into Kingdom destiny. "You'll never be the same again or want to settle for anything less." Come discover that you have a place, a hope and a bright future with One who offers destiny to you in His Kingdom. Author Marsha Lenski invites you on a powerful, faith-filled, divine journey to encounter the Lord of lords and the King of kings.
Take time out from the mundane to discover the extraordinary, a love that is your birthright and a place where there is security, love and everything a woman has been looking for. A divine relationship and encounter awaits you, this is what you've been searching for all your life; nothing else can replace the love and security that awaits you in Christ. This book will encourage you to lay down all your burdens, failures, shortcomings and come to the One who truly loves you like no other. He has the power to save and give you true freedom like you have never envisioned.
Delight in the pages, as Author Marsha Lenski, with her 25 years of experience in ministry, takes the reader on a faith-filled journey that absolutely, undeniably encourages the reader to "Believe" in Him and His Promises. This book will open your heart to the joyful and triumphant expectation of uncovering a destiny that you have been born for and to answer the call in a time such as this in the Kingdom of God.
Prepare to soar above the heights, as the author encourages, prepares and lifts up the readers to discover that they are a "gift to their world." This is a divine invitation from the One who created you. Come close and discover how loved you are. No one can offer a love so unconditionally like this…all others are counterfeit, compared to the riches of His Kingdom. Come discover who you are Women of God and step into the path of destiny created for you and only you, as unique as you are!
Marsha Lenski has captured the true desires of a woman and leads the reader on an enlightening, and nothing short of breathtaking read. You'll know you have had a divine invitation from the heart of the Father to yours and that an encounter awaits you. This is a must-read book for all women in the Kingdom of God. We just can't do without it. Wisdom from heaven is first of all pure and this book offers, "Pure Faith." Thank you Marsha Lenski!
Don't miss this divine message from the Lord delivered to you humbly by God's servant, Marsha Lenski. I thank God for this woman of faith!
WWDKG, Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God by Author Marsha Lenski
Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Review by: Christian Book Reviews, CBM