Author: Josefina Hernandez
ISBN #: 978-1-61566-301-9
Review Date: December 13, 2011
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10. stars
Author Josefina Hernandez has beautifully woven scripture as the foundational backdrop in her biblically based fictional novel, "Chief Prince Archangel Michael of the Heavenly Wars." This powerful new book release is a tale that speaks of the heavenly war in Heaven, the war of all wars. The author, through usage of powerful imagery and scripture has created a compelling, entertaining and biblically educational novel. With her use of Jewish lore, the author, inspired by the biblical teaching of the blessings of God has created a fantastic Christian book that promotes the existence of a real and loving God who desires relationship with His creation to the unbeliever and brings to the forefront the knowledge of the spiritual realm that exists eternally outside the confines of time. A promising and amazing read for all who desire a biblically based fantasy fiction novel - a page-turner from start to finish.
Join Michael, the Archangel, and the angelic hosts of Heaven as they battle Prince Archangel Lucifer, the once Anointed Covering Cherubim, created as one of the most beautiful of all the angels of Heaven. Once thought of as the angels' brother, Lucifer has now become the enemy. Lucifer has let evil enter his heart. He wants to take the place of God, for pride has entered his heart and he sees himself as God. Cunningly and methodically he builds up his dark angelic forces to come under his authority and promises victory to all the fallen angels who join him.
In what appears to be peace, Lucifer plans his evil agenda against the Kingdom of God. Lucifer and his dark angels present a formable foe to Michael the Archangel and all the inhabitants of Heaven.
Commissioned by the Lord Almighty, Michael the Archangel is commanded to thwart this uprising. This is the war of all wars; the Great Heavenly War that was predicted long ago by an ancient prophesy that is now coming to pass in this creative, fictional work. Victory has been given to the victor; evil shall not prevail. Come and take a journey to the heavenly realm and re-live the battle that took place so long ago.
This book comes highly recommended and will surely delight the reader providing an incredible, thrilling, suspenseful, action-packed, romantic read for those that enjoy a fictional account of warrior angels and biblical knowledge written as fantasy.
Chief Prince Archangel Michael of the Heavenly Wars by Author Josefina Hernandez
Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews