Author: Debra Diaz
Date Reviewed: September 26, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
"Man of God" by Debra Diaz, sequel to the her first epic novel, "Woman of Sin", continues the adventure and saga of true love, dedication, perseverance, romance, undying love for family and for Christ. Beautifully and masterfully written, author Debra Diaz, delights the reader with her descriptive imagery and her eloquent writing style. This epic novel is truly a mini-series in the making; you will not be able to put this book down!
Be transported back in time again by author Debra Diaz, be taken back to ancient Rome, to a time when Rome was at its height of glory and a bustling metropolis. Christ had just been crucified and believers in Christ were called, "Christians" and to believe in Christ as God, was to risk death, for 'Rome had many different Gods'.
Rome was a good place to hide for the two fugitives running for their lives. Young Alysia, now set free from slavery and Paulus Valerius Maximus, her true love, who has now taken Alysia as his wife, are both now steadfast believers in Christ, yet fugitives ever since Alysia's accusation of murdering an elite Roman. Their life will never be the same, yet they have each other and their daughter Rachel, now 8.
This novel, "Man of God" will keep you fully entertained and have you falling in love with the two main characters. Each day, Paulus, Alysia and Rachel exist in unity, enjoying and savoring each tender moment as it passes by. Life could not be better if it were not for knowing that at any given moment, their life and their daughter's life could be utterly turned upside down if they were discovered. Each day is a treasure, each day with each other is magnificent. Until that one fateful day…
Filled with intrigue and betrayal, this captivating novel takes the reader on a journey through the lives of young Alysia and Paulus Valerius, who has turned out to be quite a 'man of god'. Alysia, once doomed to a life of misery as a slave bound forever in chains, now has found love, stability and family life with her husband and their young daughter, Rachel. She has found Paulus and he has found her and nothing can separate them, nor can anything separate them from the love of Christ.
Author Debra Diaz has taken these two characters and shown how two can become one in Christ and how a marriage with Christ can be more rewarding and stronger than ever. With the scripture, "…and a threefold cord is not quickly broken" in mind (Ecc. 4:12 KJV), the author takes the reader to a new level of intimacy with the characters and dedication to Christ. The love of Christ shines brightly through this novel and will grip your soul. This novel is truly an epic journey of the Christian faith, true love and the freedom, forgiveness and new life found in Christ.
Man of God by Author Debra Diaz
A Must Read Novel
10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews