God's Thoughts For Marriage

The River of God presents - The Hidden Puzzle in Marriage: The Twist Against Choice by Samuel Adjeipong unlocks secrets from a Biblical perspective to reveal the purpose, creation and institution of marriage. 

Providing readers with a deep understanding of marriage, the author has written a detailed book that gives married couples and single individuals leading and instruction on God’s grand design. 

Samuel Adjeipong ties the marriage institution to the first marriage of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Shedding light on why some marriages are strong, and why some fail, readers will appreciate this book as it gives the pathway to a bright and hopeful future with God, His grand design for your life and the institution of marriage.

Unveiling a twist to choice that is in submission to the will of God, the author delves into the mystery of the Word of God, as God made woman from man. Digging deeper into the meaning of this creation of woman, the author also asks intricate questions in the book such as: “Can it be possible that God Almighty had the forethought of our satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment in marriage when He initiated it in the Garden of Eden?” “And also what are His thoughts of intimacy in marriage?” “Can intimacy be nurtured?” “Should the choice of a spouse be my own or God’s” With these thoughts in mind, the author then considers the “puzzle” of marriage and how the pieces fit together between a man and a woman from a multi-dimensional view.

Excerpts from the Bible examine the lives of Abraham and Sarah, Rebekah and Eliezer, Ruth and Boaz, Jacob, and others to give further insight into the will of God and choices made from a Biblical perspective, providing insights into keys for success of marriage – unveiling heart attitudes and motives. Additionally addressing issues that singles and married couples face, the understanding of intimacy, and what makes a marriage thrive makes for an enthusiastic read designed to assist singles to be placed with their right mate and help couples connect, reconcile, and come together through prayer as one. 

Get your copy of The Hidden Puzzle in Marriage: The Twist Against Choice at Amazon or as a download in Kindle. You may visit the author at Samuel Adjeipong.  This is a highly recommended and insightful must-read for those considering marriage that includes young adults, singles, and couples.

Religious Fantasy

Great Christian Fiction Books

Multi Published Author Jeff W. Horton was an Information technology professional for twenty-five years before deciding to pursue his lifelong dream of being a writer. 

Since becoming an author and screenwriter of family-friendly fiction, Jeff has written two screenplays and eight published novels in several genres including apocalyptic-fiction, science-fiction, religious fantasy, and romance thrillers. 

Jeff’s current list of works includes:

  • Heaven’s Oasis
  • New Beginnings
  • Frontiers
  • Cybersp@ce
  • The Last Prophet
  • The Way of Nacor
  • The Dark Age
  • The Great Collapse

For further information visit Jeff’s Horton’s Amazon page where you can view all of Jeff’s books. 

Destructive Thoughts and Behaviors

Christian Author Leo J. Battenhausen, MA, LCSW - Soul Doubt discusses the overwhelming and detrimental impact that depression and suicide are having upon society in the United States. Additionally stating  alarming statistics from the World Health Organization (2016) that suicide and depression are presently at an “epidemic high”. The author also adds that the organization’s prediction is that by 2020 depression will be the most diagnosed disease after heart disease. 

Facts: These facts, coupled with society’s views and attempts to “cure” depression with various treatments and drugs, bolster our culture that expresses itself as its own God. Selfishness, greed, media, government, and liberalism’s mantra have taken away from family and marriages like we have never seen before in the United States. 

With this in mind, the author makes an impressive statement – People need God and need to believe in God. With a focus on giving solutions to depression and suicide, intertwined with keen insight, he offers this book to help others recognize and be free in their souls from destructive thoughts and behaviors that are literally killing many.
  • Healthy Parenting and Relationships: Giving an overview of healthy parenting and relationships that include marriages, the author explores the human condition and the soul. Offering a laymen’s view of the soul, he explains the doubts we possess in relation to satisfying the deep void within. Despite technical advances in this information age, the author shares that we as humans are not developing as we should and have forgotten who we are. Advocating that parents invest in their children in meaningful ways, to include their parenting skills, he also exposes a spiritual side to the issue of the mind, soul and emotions. Offering readers an understanding of the realm of the soul, a secular worldview is also considered. His position is that we cannot ignore our souls, which is the essence of who we are.
  • Revealing what really wages war against our souls, will and emotions, the author has written a compassionate book that speaks frankly to believers and non-believers alike, sharing that there is hope and a solution to this soul problem. Well-balanced, informative, encouraging, his insight is an important work tackling the woes that plague our society, but more importantly offers real answers and hope that presents truth. The truth that God is real, and that we all need God, is something that the author will not compromise. Stating in his book description, “Soul Doubt breaks through with solution-focused answers and PROVEN ways to battle depression and suicide.”
  • Truthfully, this is a much-needed book in today’s society. As a skilled professional, he knows the human condition and speaks of the healing of the soul, mind and spirit. Presenting a wealth of knowledge, the spiritual battle, modern-psychology, the author offers real answers to those who are suffering or know someone who is suffering. This comes as a highly recommended must-read for all parents, married couples raising children, teens, young adults and newly married couples.

Get your copy of Soul Doubt by  Leo J. Battenhausen at Amazon. You may find more information about the author and his books at Author Leo J. Battenhausen.