CBM Book Reviews - Intriguing and Very Well Written

The Journal of Ezekiel Walker by Christian author John Zelenski gives a frightening account of spiritual warfare, unveiling Satan’s desire to destroy those that are God’s and the Church.

Although fiction, one feels like they are smack dab in the center of all the strange happenings that begin to take place in the life of Ezekiel Walker.  Set in 1945, just after WWII, Walker is returning to his hometown of Walker’s Vale after serving in the CPS (Civilian Public Service Unit).  

Upon arrival, and throughout his stay he experiences heart-breaking events that lead him to be overcome in spirit and body.  Without the tender mercies of the Lord, Walker admits he would not have been able to retain his sanity. 

In this fictional action packed book, you will come to know the character, Ezekiel Walker. The book deals with many issues of mankind: grief, forgiveness, loyalty and the never failing, omni-potent God, revealing that darkness truly lurks behind the unseen giving hope that the only deliverance, protection, peace, joy and salvation is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

With a wonderful theme of salvation and redemption, the author writes a timely book for many in response to turbulent times for Christians.  If you enjoy fiction thrillers, a good story line and great writing, coupled with the supernatural, then this book is for you.  Zelenski’s writing is heart-felt, but not too complicated.  Highly recommended.   

The Journal of Ezekiel Walker by Christian author John Zelenski.